About Haggle Me
Classic Cars For Sale
Jump on board with Haggle Me and let us get your classic car Sold Fast with No Hassle. Call us to discuss consignment Today.
HaggleMe deals directly with buyers all over the U.S.A. and other countries that are looking for vintage automobiles, RV's, Motorcycles, Boats and Classic Cars. HaggleMe has been in business for over 10 years now and has sold and shipped to 20 plus countries around the world. Classic Cars For Sale is not the only thing HaggleMe has to offer. In today's competitive marketplace we're able to give sellers the edge they need in order to achieve not only a quick sale of their vehicle, but at top dollar as well. We are able to do this by offering financing, shipping, and 3rd party inspections. HaggleMe has given countless sellers all over America the advantage that was once only made exclusive to dealerships.
Our customer service will be dealing with the buyer from the beginning to end of the sale, so all you do is sit back and collect the cash at the end.